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There goes one option

Not long after Ed Pastilong announced his tiered resignation plan in February, it was assumed the next Director of Athletics would come from President Mike Garrison’s inner circle. The name we always heard was Craig Walker, who before becoming Garrison’s Chief of Staff had a spot with the WVU Foundation and as an assistant A.D. for finance.

He also had a role in the Heather Bresch Mess and, as such, probably won’t be the new A.D.

Craig Walker released a statement Tuesday, saying he would resign on Sept. 1.

“I anticipate serving the university as President Garrison’s chief of staff until Sept. 1 when he completes his service as president,” Walker said. “At that time, I will offer my resignation as chief of staff to the interim president. If asked, I will assist the new administration in any way, officially or unofficially, during the transition.”

Yes, I said “probably” because that’s a pretty vague quote, especially the last sentence. And let’s be honest, we don’t know who the next president will be, what connections he or she may have and how political his or her personnel choices will be.

Regardless, the A.D. and the President have to have some sort of a bond these days, which made Walker seem like the guy. It was he and Garrison who worked closely with Coach Bob Huggins’ people on the lifetime contract and only involved Pastilong and other athletic department officials late in the process, which, the story goes, produced a potentially nuclear follow-along-or-else standoff in the Coliseum one day.

Vague quotes aside, I cannot imagine a scenario in which Walker is the next A.D., which means we can now invite the suggestions beginning with … all together now …