The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Rich would like to see you sweat

(Keep the votes coming for our preseason Big East poll.)

Check your parlay sheets because WVU’s (we need to find the appropriate adjective to go right here) President Mike Garrison was deposed for nearly 12 hours last Thursday. What could have possibly taken so long to discuss?

It was, without question, the most anticipated of the depositions, so much so that it was assumed the location was being kept a secret. On the surface, it made sense because one can only imagine who would have shown up to catch a glimpse of the spectacle. Turns out there was no secret location and, as such, there was a guest conspicuous by his presence.

Former football Coach Rich Rodriguez attended the nearly 12-hour long session to witness the sworn testimony of the man he accuses of making and breaking verbal promises designed to pressure Rodriguez to sign his final contract at WVU.

WVU attorney Tom Flaherty said involved parties have the right to attend depositions and that Rodriguez had not exercised that right before last Thursday.

“I have an opinion why,” Flaherty said. “I’m not going to express it.”

Flaherty wouldn’t go into specifics of the deposition, but said there were highlights.

“When the transcript is released, I think there’ll be some sound bytes you’ll be interested in,” he said.