The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Your guess is as good as mine

WVU Board of Governors members Parry Petroplus and Stephen Farmer were deposed in Morgantown yesterday as part of the WVU v. Rich Rodriguez lawsuit. Deputy Director of Athletics Mike Parsons and Chief of Staff Craig Walker were deposed today.

No doubt the highlight comes tomorrow when outgoing President Mike Garrison sits in the crosshairs … at a top secret location!

Black bars obscure the location in a deposition notice at Monongalia Circuit Court, but nothing can hide the potential for conflict as the questioning unfolds.

Rodriguez has asked Garrison to bring every document relating to his coaching contract, and the university has branded many requests as irrelevant or repetitive.

On a sore spot, Rodriguez wants to see every communication Garrison received from the West Virginia University Foundation or its Mountaineer Club since Dec. 15, 2006.

Remembering the request for a secret location was made well before Garrison announced his plans for resignation last week, you can understand the confidentiality. Then again, what could a couple dozen protesters do if they knew where the deposition was? How could they affect the proceedings?

“Um, yes, Gumby’s? Yeah, this is Mike Garrison. I’d like 15 large pepperoni pizzas delivered to the Hotel Morgan. What’s that you say? The usual? I don’t get it…”

Regardless, one wonders where it’ll be conducted. My bet is Dr. John’s, where pitchers of Red Death could be consumed during breaks. Your thoughts?Â