The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom


From the writer’s perspective, you don’t mind the idea of Augustus Gilchrist transferring to WVU. Gifted player, to be sure, and he’s probably going to take you deep into March and one of those faraway cities that serve as sites for Sweet 16s and Final Fours. You’re also going to get some good stories because Gilchrist, who was just granted a release from his letter-of-intent at Maryland, has quite a tale.

The story at UM goes that Gilchrist would have been eligible to play this season, but that NCAA transfer rules would have been prohibited him from playing until the second semester. As it is, it certainly looks like he’s going to have to wait a little while to play because he is once again transferring. Take a guess who is among his finalists.

Also, have to clarify something from yesterday. The Fulmer Cup standings were updated following the post here and, well, Missouri better get busy.