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Pugh’s plight

Charles Pugh — and apparently others — will be arrested as part of an investigation into the theft of credit and debit cards at the Mountainlair last week.  Bill Stewart, who has been nothing if not calculated and considerate in his personnel decisions to date, is conducting his own inquiry, though it appears the Pugh’s future with the team is settled. In the meantime, the advice flows freely.

Put quite simply, let Stewart be advised he is out of mulligans.

The state university is not in a position to accept another scandal, considering the Heather Bresch affair and the mess surrounding Rich Rodriguez’s defection and buyout.

The school’s reputation nationally has taken a hit from those scandals to go along with the horrible image the football program gained through the misadventures of NFL players Pacman Jones and Chris Henry, along with assistant football coach Calvin Magee’s charge that he was told by an administrator he wouldn’t be considered as Rodriguez’s replacement because he is an African-American.

An out-of-control football program is completely unacceptable and the time for the compassion Stewart has shown to date is over.