The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Warning: Sarcasm

In truth, everyone needs to step back, take a deep breath and ask themselves if it is perhaps time to move on. The answer should be ‘YES!’ Begin the process with a laugh and a different perspective on this whole sordid affair.

MORGANTOWN – West Virginians are warning that the failure of a coming Rich Rodriguez peace conference, convened by the US, could undermine chances of a two-state solution and may threaten a return to the state’s trademark violence against upholstery and Rodriguez-related paraphernalia.

Michigan athletic director Bill Martin reiterated after talks with defense secretary Robert Gates in Ann Arbor Monday that the conference, scheduled for Annapolis, Maryland, next week, would focus on core issues – such as ending the alleged bounty on Rodriguez’s so-called “shreddin’ hand” should he ever re-enter the Mountain State – rather than detailed negotiations, fuelling fears that the talks could carry unacceptably high risks.