PopCult Rudy Panucci on Pop Culture

2021 Marx Toy Convention in Photos

The PopCult Toybox

Okay, first…yes there will be video, but not until Sunday. The weekend storms that prevented yours truly from making new radio shows this week also messed up my video software (I use the same program for both) and I need to reinstall some stuff from backups before I can edit video again. That’ll take me a few hours, but everything should be up and running in plenty of time for me to have TWO Marx-centric videos for you Sunday.

The Marx Toy Convention took place last Friday and Saturday at The Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum in Wheeling, and it was great seeing some friends that we hadn’t seen since 2019 (plus a bunch that we saw a year ago, but we don’t talk about that).

In this photo essay we’re going to take a quick look at the convention in about 35 pictures. These were either taken by yours truly, or by Mrs. PopCulteer, Mel Larch. That photo of me with Dave Roth was swiped from Dave on Facebook, but Mel made me crop her out because she still hates to be photographed.

Needless to say, we had a blast. We spent too much money on really cool stuff, caught up with old friends, Mel got to spend some time with Lou the Kruger Street cat, and I was comfortable going maskless for the first time in a long time (I’m fully vaccinated, tested to make sure the vaccine work, and registered in the vaccine lottery, but I didn’t do it for Babydog…I did it for myself. Babydog can get his own damn money!)

That paranthetical aside is some topical West Virginia humor, for those readers from out of state.

Anyway, this is not the last of our Marx coverage by any means. I will also be posting a photo essay from the Friday evening private sale at the now-closed Marx Toy Museum, and at some point I’ll be bringing you some images of cool new stuff at The Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum.  They took advantage of the lockdown to redo huge portions of the Museum and everything is all freshened up and cooler than ever.

Anyway, here are the convention photos, with some captions, but not a lot. Just look at the cool stuff and the peoples having funs.

Have I all of them? No, but I’m trying.

More images after the jump…



The man, the myth, legend…Rush McCallister!









My buddy, James Wozniak of Classic Recasts, on the left, looking at toys. You’ll be seeing pictures of his cool stuff later in this photo essay.


I didn’t even see him at Kruger Street, but Mel captured this rare photo of Francis Turner of The Marx Toy Museum, seen in the wild.
We didn’t spend too much time in the train room because those trains were talking to me…asking to come home with me…saying that “It’s only money, you don’t really need it.”
These ones were talking really loud.


In the Johnny West room we were greeted by Brad Curry’s company, which makes 3D printed accessories for Johnny West and GI Joe (and their friends).
There’s Brad, helping a customer.


Another look at Brad’s cool replacement and restoration parts. I’m going to be spending more money with him at The Kentuckiana GI Joe and Toy Expo at the end of July.



Bronzed figures, custom made by Terry Ryder. I brought home the young cowboy in the middle, which is my third figure bronzed by Terry.











The latest project from James Wozniak and Classic Recasts are these Johnny West miniatures, made and hand-painted in Spain. Of course I picked up set.
Mel got a shot of me taking the photo above, at James’ table.


We’ll leave you with more of Mr. Wozniak’s cool recasts. This is the stuff that keeps the hobby fun and affordable.


That is our photo essay, but it’s not the end of our coverage by any means. Check PopCult regularly for more photos and video from last weekend’s toy run to Wheeling. Before we go, here are some reference links:

Brad Curry’s Bee Active Toys.

James Wozniak’s Classic Recasts.

Scott Stewart and Stewart’s Attic.

Tom Heaton’s Vintage Toy Room.

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