PopCult Rudy Panucci on Pop Culture

Sunday Evening Video: RFC Halloween Part One

Every Sunday in October we are going to use our Sunday Evening Video feature to flash back to classic Halloween episodes of Radio Free Charleston. This week we go all the way back to our first Halloween special, in 2006. Orginally a two-parter, these shows have since been combined into one longer clip.

This was our first attempt to do something more ambitious than our normal video jukebox-type show, and in it you will see skits with me, Mel Larch and Brian Young, short films by Frank Panucci, Third Mind Incarnation and Brian Young, and music by Whistlepunk, The Concept, Professor Mike, Clownhole and half of The Pistol Whippers.

You’ll get to see me get killed and ressurected, plus there are ghosts and spirits and really cool posters for monster movies that they sold at Dollar Tree back when they carried really cool stuff. These were originally episodes 7 and 8 of Radio Free Charleston‘s video incarnation.

It’s a fun start for our video salute to Halloween month.