PopCult Rudy Panucci on Pop Culture

Monday Morning Art: Big City


This week’s art by yours truly is an abstract attempt to evoke the sensory overload of a big city, the way it overwhelms and envelopes you as you try to see everything at once. Unless you already live in a big city, in which case you try to block everything out. It’s a digital painting using some custom brushes. Click to see it bigger.

Meanwhile, over on The AIR, our Monday Marathon is a Lee Harrah Special! Monday, from 7 AM to 5 PM you can hear every episode (so far) of Harrah’s Hard & Heavy. At 5 PM Lee appears as a guest on a two-hour edition of Six Degrees of Separation, and then from 7 PM to 7 AM Tuesday morning, it’s Lee, and Me, discussing pop culture topics in depth as we present 12 hours of Word Association With Lee & Rudy.

You can tune in at the website, or right here on this Gamma-ray infused embedded player…