PopCult Rudy Panucci on Pop Culture

Sunday Evening Videos: The ToyLanta Panels

jl17001I like to be honest with my readers. This is a bit of a lazy post. I’m collecting all of the panels from ToyLanta that I posted this week, instead of posting a new clip. I’d planned to post the State of the Hobby panel with Greg Brown today, but after editing video for more than ten days straight, I needed a break, so that clip will hit in the next day or two.

In the last week I have edited and posted more video than I had in the previous fourteen months. That’s largely due to my hiatus from video work due to doctor’s orders. Now I’ve proven that I can work at my old rate without suffering crippling headaches, and that means that the return of Radio Free Charleston as a video show is imminent.

But since I’ve been posting at such a fast rate, there’s a chance that you might have missed some of the great panels from ToyLanta that I’ve been preserving for posterity here. In the next week we have one more panel, plus videos of the ToyLanta Dealers Rooms and Dioramas, as well as the parachute drop and maybe even a little surprise clip.

At the top of this post you’ll see Felipe Monaco of Louco Por Bonecos with his history of GI Joe in Brazil. Below It’s James Wozniak of Classic Recasts, talking about the vintage Marx Toy Company molds that are still in use in Mexico.

Clay Sayre, Carlos Morrison and Anthony Taylor talk about Monster Toys…

Mike Gardner and Mel Larch interview Walkers, Skip Bartlett and Don Teems about their work on The Walking Dead

The Earth Station One podcast takes on MEGO…

The Needless Things podcast plays with toys…

Steve Stovall, Steve druin and Greg Brown celebrate 40 years of Super Joe…

And Larry Hama talks about Larry Hama…

Look for the State of the Hobby panel with Greg Brown in a day or two, with the rest of our ToyLanta clips and photo essays coming soon.