Coal Tattoo

State of deniers: GOP gubernatorial candidates

If you thought the Democratic gubernatorial candidates here in West Virginia were something else … check out the answers from the Republicans regarding a simple question about global warming … hard to know what to say about answers like these.

Do you accept the science that global warming is occurring, and is largely caused by the emissions from coal-fired power plants? If so, what specifically would you have our state do about it?

— Clark S. Barnes:

Scientists continue to debate the issue and I’m not in a position to determine the answer. Carbon-based fuels continue to be the efficient method of providing the nations needed energy. Recent disasters in Japan will fuel a resurgence in the importance of the energy provided by West Virginia.

— Mitch B. Carmichael:

NO. I do not adhere to the belief structure that purports that climate change is caused by man-made initiatives. As Delegate, I voted against the “cap and trade” bill that was passed in the Manchin administration.

— Ralph William “Bill” Clark:

Global warming does seem to be occurring, but solid scientific evidence is not yet available to show that it is largely caused by coal-fired power plants. The full extent of the cause and/or effect roles played by CO2 is not yet known. We must protect both our economy and the environment.

— Larry Faircloth:

I reject such science.

— Betty S. Ireland:

Our world would be better if all nations worked together to eliminate pollution of our environment, from all sources.

— Bill Maloney:

When I’m governor, West Virginia will mine coal. The EPA and the OSM are out of control. I’ll continue the fight and the lawsuits against the EPA, and I’ll also assert the primacy of West Virginia laws, so that our coal miners can make a living.

— Mark A. Sorsaia:

I do not accept the proposition that global warming is occurring as a direct result of coal-fired power plants. Good government is about maintaining a balance between a clean environment and a healthy economy. We can do both, without the radical approach taken by the EPA.